Celebrity Interview: Jamie Peel
2nd February 2016

3 Goal Professional Polo Player
Jamie’s home club is Cowdray Park Polo Club. This is where he plays the lion’s share of his polo. Aside from playing, he is the manager of Nick Clarke’s Salkeld team, that amongst other tournaments took part in this year’s prestigious Gold Cup.
His particular passion is for the equine athletes of this sport and he spends much time bringing on young horses in the UK to play at the top level of the sport, both from horses bred in Blighty as well as by retraining racehorses. Recently he also started a fascinating company specifically measuring horses data whilst they are playing- think Nike running app, but for horses. Jamie is a real gentleman player and a true ambassador for the game in the UK.
Where’s the most memorable place you’ve ever enjoyed a Glass of Bubbly?
From the Gold Cup itself when I formed part of the winning team in 2008.
Which is your favourite Champagne or sparkling wine?
Veuve Clicquot
What does Champagne mean to you?
A: Success
B: Celebration
C: Romance
D: Enjoying great company
Interview by Natascha Baecher
Glass of Bubbly
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