Champagne sets on a yield of 8,000 kilos / hectare
18th August 2020

A yield has finally been set / agreed within Champagne for the forthcoming harvest, 8,000 kilos per hectare. This will see an approximate 25% drop in production of around 225 million bottles from the usual 300 million production.
There has been a battle between the giant production houses and the smaller growers following the effect of covid-19. A higher yield was hoped to be near last years 10,000 kilos per hectare, for many the 20% drop could have an effect on profits / income and also place a increase in price per bottle.
Many Champagne houses will have been effected with sales during 2020 so undoubtedly have a mounting reserve of wines in their cellars and the future isn’t too bright when it comes to on going sales with restrictions on many eating venues such as restaurants and bars who are seeing less footfall and in many cases, closures.
So, is this lower yield a sensible move or something that will be costly to many producers both now and for the future? What will the price per kilo of grapes be this year, higher for sure to accommodate the yield fall?
Glass of Bubbly
Executive editor of news content for the website Please enjoy the articles that we share - We hope you find our love for Champagne & Sparkling Wines both interesting and educational.