Guzzle down your Bubbly quicker with CHAMBONG?
2nd October 2015

We all love a glass of bubbly or two I am sure and many of us take the glass our bubbly is served in very seriously with many types available to use – Our info-graphic on Champagne glasses.
That right moment, that special occasion, the perfect setting and more all goes to complimenting that glass of bubbly we have in our hand, though how many of us have actually ever considered just how quickly can we drink it? Well, it appears the guys at CHAMBONG have come up with the perfect glass to help speed up the process!
Though not directly stating the CHAMBONG will speed up the process of drinking bubbly, the word across social media and the trends that are active certainly portray the concept as something to ‘help you drink Champagne quicker‘ – I am sure that many people will see that in a positive light, become merry quicker or certainly in a negative light, Champagne is to be enjoyed over a period of time rather than guzzled down. Personally, I have yet to meet anyone who is concerned that they are not drinking their Champagne quick enough, but I have met many who say they aren’t getting the opportunity to drink enough Champagne!
Obviously Champagne is used many times as a general word for other sparkling wines (Champagne is not a name for all sparkling wines), so many users will no doubt refer to drinking Champagne with a CHAMBONG when indeed it may just be cheaper bubbly alternatives, but nonetheless, as per the website of this US based company, it pushes the concept based on people drinking Champagne.
Quote directly from the CHAMBONG website: “Champagne is the most luxurious adult beverage in the world enjoyed by CEOs, Real Housewives, and music icons. But they drink it so slow! You want more champagne and you want it now. There’s no way this massive surplus of champagne could ever be squandered at the pace we desire using current technology.”
So, we wonder what your thoughts are? Certainly, any new business idea to any industry is positive and many times we have seen ‘different‘ ideas take off so us for one, would not want to paint a negative picture as many people seem to be enjoying the CHAMBONG on social media. If people are enjoying the bubbly more by using these glasses then that can only be a positive thing and of course, it is your own choice what glass you prefer to drink your bubbly from ~ Indeed, you might be one of those who prefers to drink straight from the bottle…
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