10 Things That Must Appear on All Champagne Labels
1st February 2017

Wines produced with the ‘Champagne’ name must follow strict rules, including the production method, grapes used and areas produced, to ensure a quality sparkling wine.
Those guidelines extend all the way to the label on the bottle. Here are the 10 things all Champagne labels have to include and what they mean:
1. ‘Appellation of Controlled Origin Champagne’ – Essentially, it must say ‘Champagne’, which is a guarantee to the buyer that it is from that region and produced to a high standard according to the rules.
2. Volume – The amount inside the bottle, even though standard bottles are the same – 750ml. However, you can buy larger, such as magnums and smaller bottles.
3. Alcohol Content – This can vary, but it’s generally around 12%.
4. Brand Marque – The brand under which the Champagne is sold, such as Bollinger.
5. Country of Origin – This needs to say France, as Champagne can only be made in France.
6. Town where it was produced – The town, village or city where the wine was made.
7. Champagne Code – You may spot two letters such as ‘RM’ or ‘NM’. These codes refer to the type of producer – see more here.
8. Winemaker – Usually just at the bottom or in small text, you can find the winemaker. It may say ‘Élaboré par [winemaker name]’.
9. Degree of sweetness – An important note, usually clearly displayed, such as ‘Brut’. This signifies the amount of sugar in the Champagne.
10. Trade Registration – Number given by the CIVC
Glass of Bubbly
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