Noble Ridge Vineyard and Winery
15th February 2014

Noble Ridge Vineyard & Winery lays in the Okanagan Valley at the northern most tip of the only desert in Canada. The winery is named for the noble varieties of grapes grown and the ridge that divides the land on which they thrive. But this noble name is more than just a nod to the land. It’s a statement of values and a reminder of the hard work and dedication on which the winery was built.
Jim and Leslie D’Andrea began their winery in 2001. When they purchased the property it had only 3.5 acre of vines. Since then they have planted an additional 18 acres and have grown their dream into an award winning winery. Tending to vineyards and making the wines is all done by hand on site by a team of dedicated workers who strive every day to create exceptional wine that reflects its noble namesake.
The prominent ridge that bisects the property runs east west creating a north and south slope. The southern slope receives greater exposure to the sun and is home to the original vines that came with the property; Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot varieties. When Jim and Leslie acquired the property they started adding Pinot Noir to this south-facing slope. The north-facing slope grows white varieties that flourish on the cooler side of the ridge, Pinot Gris and Chardonnay. In 2006 Noble Ridge expanded to include an adjacent 10-acre property north-east of the existing vineyard. Now Chardonnay, Merlot, and Cabernet Sauvignon are grown there.
Glass of Bubbly
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