Slovenian Sparkling Wines – Medot
18th April 2019

The wine tradition of the Simčič family goes back to 1812. Throughout the decades, his links to the vines and the wine grew and consolidated, while in the 1990s Zvonimir Simčič founded the present trademark Medot on the basis of the family’s knowledge. During his rich life, he was also the driving force of the development of the whole Goriška Brda region, well recognized also as General Manager of the Goriška Brda Cooperative Cellar, which under his leadership experienced a true overall revival. Cellars and other new premises were built and new international wine grape varieties were planted, while he made sure that they did not forget about the indigenous Ribolla Gialla variety.
Medot Estate is an exquisite boutique sparkling wine producer. Right on the top of the hill, at the edge of the 40 years vineyards, lies a modern underground wine cellar, built at the turn of the Millennium with the purpose of providing the best conditions for the production of the top-quality sparkling wine. In fact, during the grape harvest precision is essential, providing control and supervision of all the important processes which affect the wine’s quality. Medot produces five types of sparkling wine. Chardonnay and Pinot Noir in their cuvees are joined with Ribolla Gialla. The Medot style is a top class Champenoise elegancy recognized in their fully matured sparkling wines. Fine yeast and brioche bouquets are upgraded with perfect structure and fine acid balanced body, great texture and long fully mature aftertaste. Medot have won many gold medals at The World’s Finest Glass of Bubbly Awards 2017 and 2108.
Written by: Prof.Dr.Marin Berovic, Chairman of The World’s Finest Glass of Bubbly Awards.
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