Following 007’s footsteps in Venice
3rd November 2020

What do exotic spots, the iconic Aston Martin, tech tools, elegantly tailored suits have in common with a charming and committed man?
It should come as no surprise that the answer is James Bond, the British secret agent on her Majesty’s service.
It was 1952 when Ian Fleming sat down at his desk in his mansion Goldeneye in Jamaica and wrote his first novel ‘Casino Royale’ introducing the character of James Bond. I’m wondering if he ever dreamed that one day his manuscript would turn out to be a global success after its release in 2006.
The 21st chapter of James Bond’s dedicated series features the newly promoted Daniel Craig in the role of 007, whose mission is to bankrupt the terrorist banker Le Chiffre at the gaming table, in a globetrotting journey to find out the truth in exclusive spots such as Madagascar, Bahamas, Montenegro, Como lake and last but not least Venice.
Five fabulous locations designed for hosting chases, action, ability, retreat and mystery. Five keywords that perfectly match what happens in each place.
James Bond at the Royale Casino in Montenegro defeats Le Chiffre thanks to a lucky straight flush hand: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 black spades. Apparently, there is something about the number five; perhaps it’s a clue.
I’m wondering if I take it into consideration, can I get evidence of what I’m looking for right in the heart of Venice: an iconic sparkling wine conceived in its neighbourhood. It is no time to rest on one’s laurels, it’s time to take action. True to my words, I set out on a journey to follow a trail. But before I just need to pick one keyword to show me the way and I’ll choose: ‘ability’. That would definitely be the keyword that will help me to find the Venetian bubbly.
But where? I just have ‘ability’ in my pocket and I can count on it.
But I have no directions and I feel I’m floating in a sea of doubt.
I’m wondering if one of Venice’s key elements, water, could be a tip.
Maybe its typical boat with its dark shape called a ‘gondola’ can reveal something to me.
I look around under a cloudy sky and I see a lot of people coming and going.
I indulge for a while. Suddenly a sunbeam strikes a whole of gondolas. It’s a sign.
I can see something gleaming settled on the gondola’s surface, something metal. Is that a wine’s cage?
Then the sky closes in again and I have no idea how to get on, but I can feel that the ancient history of Venice, with its hundreds of bridges over which thousands of people have been crossing it along the centuries, can tell me which way to go. Here I am! I need a bridge, and step by step I’m confident I’ll find out another wine’s mark.
I’m on top of the ‘Ponte di Rialto’ being ravished by a breath-taking view of the glorious history of Venice shown right in front of me. All of a sudden, I can hear a pop coming behind me, is that a cork? Yes, it’s a sign of the Venetian wine. That is an unmistakable popping sound of bubbly. Most likely, I’m on the right track.
Venice’s magnificence was certainly due to its ability to trade with foreign countries, becoming a flourishing commercial centre between Western Europe and the rest of the world. The Doge, the maximum authority of the Republic of Venice, lived and managed his temporal power at the Palazzo Ducale in the heart of Piazza San Marco.
Is it right there where I might discover the presence of the Venetian bubbly?
I stroll through narrow streets towards the famous square being enraptured by the astonishing atmosphere of this city. As I cross the Clock Tower I glimpse a roundish thing settled on a table in front of the majestic Palazzo Ducale. It’s something sparkling, something that recalls a glass of bubbly.
It is my pleasure to introduce you to Chardonnay & Riesling Millesimato Brut by BOLLLICINE, the Venetian bubbly.
This magnificent sparkle will win you over with nuances, aromas and flavours never met before.
Its intense gold colour reflects the glory of its native city. Given the signature combination of Chardonnay and Riesling grapes, it gives off aromas of fresh mint combined with golden fruits and zesty lime while gently softened by plum notes. In the mouth, it is lively with fruity nuances of apricot and peach enhanced by a great minerality. A unique bottle revealing elegance, exquisite taste and expertise.
What is extra special about this wine…
In creating this spherical bottle the owner of BOLLLICINE wine, Alessandro Fedalto, was faced with a massive obstacle: to create a bottle that could hold a 6/7 atmosphere of pressure due to its unique spherical shape. The usual 650 grams of glass would not have been enough. He was at sea. Here was his skill: what about adding some glass in order to make the bottle thicker? And so, by adding 100 grams he managed to make his iconic bottle safe and indestructible.
Maybe ability is the keyword for any aspect of life. James Bond’s character is all about ability: ability to see through, ability to read people’s mind, ability to beat the game, ability to sail close to the wind, ability to make the impossible possible.
Maybe we all like 007 not only because he is a charismatic man but also because we can recognise him as having another value that along with ability belongs to human nature: determination. No matter what kind of trouble James Bond has to face, he has a strong determination that allows him to get through. Just like Alessandro Fedalto’s challenge to create the most spherical bottle in the world, nobody believed he could make it, but he did.
See Venice, water was its fortune but at the same time its main problem; an everyday challenge to survive and live for the generations to come.
While enjoying a glass of Bolllicine in Piazza San Marco I feel very satisfied to have finally found the Venetian bubbly. And from now on this 007’s keyword will be my guiding star: determination, the ability to persevere.
Stefania Ruffo
Wine Educator at Università del Gusto, Wine Writer at Glass of Bubbly. Owner and Founder at Enjoyourwine. Find me on Twitter - @enjoyourwine