7 Weirdest Campus Drinking Traditions Around The World
24th August 2018

The college years are usually filled with a lot of alcohol drinking. College drinking is seen as a way of improving your social life, even if binge drinking may have many harmful effects. All over the world, each campus has different drinking traditions that many students try to uphold.
Alcohol is usually in the form of spirits. One of the alcohol facts you should be aware of is that alcohol is one of the most abused substances in the world.
Long-term alcohol drinking can have several health effects including depression. Because most of these traditions lead to binge drinking, they can lead to serious health effects that may even lead to addiction.
Consuming alcohol is considered one of the most important college experiences. According to Statista, more than 29% of high school students have consumed alcohol at least once in their lives. However, there have been several deaths reported as a result of this practice. This has resulted in a lot of alcohol treatment and alcohol recovery programs being developed in the United States and other parts of the world. This is because of the high rate of alcohol intoxication cases that are seen among many students, including teenagers.
Students involved in accidents because of driving after drinking, usually have a high blood alcohol test. This has prompted a call to regulate the binge drinking traditions associated with campus drinking.
Some of these traditions are very strange and unique to an individual compass. Some of these countries have the strangest traditions when it comes to alcohol consumption. Some of the weirdest campus drinking traditions include:
1. The Netherlands
The Dutch have a drinking tradition known as the “Kopstootje.” In English, it means the little head-butt. This is a popular practice among college students attending parties. A person participating in this practice has to drink a shot and beer, the shot being a Dutch gin.
However, there is a catch. You have to drink the shot without using your hands. You are not allowed to spill the first sip of the shot. Usually, people are asked to keep their hands behind their back to prevent them from holding the shot. This practice is designed to get you drunk within a short space of time.
2. Crete
Students play a game known as “Koupa.” This sacred tradition involves drinking from someone’s glass until it’s fully empty. After this, you have to kiss the bottom of the glass as a sign of good luck. This ancient tradition has been passed down through generations. It is also practiced in many parts of Greece.
3. Hungary
While clinking glasses of alcohol is common in many countries, it is not in Hungary. Throughout the 19th century, Hungary experienced many revolutions that resulted in the deaths of many Hungarians.
As a way to commemorate those who had fallen, Hungarians decided never to clink glasses. This is because reactionaries celebrated the deaths of those who died by clinking their beer glasses.
4. USA
American students have a reputation when it comes to campus drinking. With sorority parties and lots of alcohol, it is the easiest way to get drunk. Binge drinking is a common practice in campuses. Students take part in drinking several cups of alcohol.
With parties being made almost every weekend and when assays are completed on time with the help of customwriting.com/pay-for-research-paper, campus drinking is considered a way of improving your social status. Consuming alcohol is seen as a rite of passage, without which it would be hard for one to get a social life. In the United States, teens and alcohol tend to go together.
5. Germany
The Germans are famous for their beer worldwide. The German beer festival, Oktoberfest, is one of the most popular in the world. Drinking beer is an important part of German culture in general. When drinking it is important to keep eye contact with your friends. It is believed that those who fail to do so may have bad luck in the future.
6. Australia
In Australia, like in many other places you drink in a group. It is a social norm for each person in the group to buy rounds for everyone. Once you have bought for the whole group, the next person does the same. Failure to do so can cause you to lose your friends. Another country with a similar practice in Peru.
7. Japan
While it’s common to pour your own drink in most parts of the world, it is considered as rude in Japan. So, someone else gets to pick what alcoholic beverage and how much you drink. For Japanese people, drinking is a time to show your friendship. Everyone who you are drinking with pours you alcohol until the entire group has done so. The problem with this practice is that you can get drunk before you know it.
While drinking alcohol is seen by many as a social event, it can have harmful effects. Drinking a few glasses of alcoholic beverages such as wine is not bad. However, when you take part in college drinking tradition that is intended to get you drunk, you may be putting your health at risk.
Written by Sandra Hayward
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