Famous Authors Wine Quotes
24th March 2021

Sparkling Wine is something that has no barriers, it can heal friendships, create new ones, it brings people together even though you might be able to understand each other, just like a melody or art, wine is something anyone can understand.
A lot of people have made some unique and interesting quotes throughout history about wine, here are some made by some names you might just recognize.
Robert Louis Stevenson

Image Credit: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/storytelling-fantasy-imagination-4203628/
Robert Louis Stevenson was a famous Scottish novelist, travel writer and poet, he was born in 8 Howard Place in Edinburgh Scotland on the 13th of November 1850 to Thomas Stevenson a lighthouse engineer and Margaret Isabella, unfortunately, he suffered from serious bronchial trouble up to his death at the age of 44, but despite that he accomplished a lot, he’s known for Treasure Island (1883), Treasury of American Horror Stories (1885) Kidnapped (1886), Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) and The Black Arrow (1888).
Treasure Island was the book that gained Stevenson his fame, he came up with the idea after he had drawn a map for his 12-year-old stepson, Stevenson came up with a pirate adventure to accompany the map for his stepson to enjoy. This story has a strong appeal to me as I performed the stage adaptation of Treasure Island at The Mercury Theatre, I played Captain Alexander Smollett the captain of the schooner Hispaniola.
On the 3rd of December 1894 Robert Louis Stevenson was talking to his wife while opening a bottle of wine when he suddenly exclaimed, “What’s that?”, asked his wife “does my face look strange?”, and collapsed, he, unfortunately, died a few hours later at the age of 44 of a what is believed to be a cerebral haemorrhage.
On his tombstone he had inscribed the following:
Under the wide and starry sky,
Dig the grave and let me lie.
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with a will.
This be the verse you grave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the sailor, home from sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.
Wine Is Bottled Poetry – Robert Louis Stevenson
Charles Dickens

Image Credit: https://pixabay.com/vectors/charles-dickens-english-writer-3560940/
A man known almost certainly by all, but how many of you know his full name, Charles John Huffam Dickens, he was part of the ‘Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts’ (FRSA) you only get accepted if you have made outstanding achievements in the arts industry, and Charles Dickens certainly did.
He was born in Portsmouth on the 7th of February 1812, when he was only 15, he left school for employment so he could earn money to contribute to his family’s income after his father was locked up in a debtors’ prison, despite not finishing school he later went on to edit for a weekly journal, he did this for twenty years, he also wrote 15 novels, five novellas, hundreds of short stories and non-fiction articles. His most famous and well-known novels are Oliver Twist and David Copperfield.
Champagne Is One Of The Elegant Extras In Life – Charles Dickens
Jane Austen

Image Credit: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/women-drinking-wine-vintage-5306731/
Jane Austen is a famous English writer, known for her six major novels including:
- Sense and Sensibility (1811)
- Pride and Prejudice (1813)
- Mansfield Park (1814)
- Emma (1816)
- Northanger Abbey (1818)
- Persuasion (1818)
The last two books published in 1818 were both published after her death on the 18th of July 1817. She wrote 13 novels during her 41 years of life, her plots explored women on marriage, the pursuit of favourable social standings and economic security, all set around the end of the 18th century in Great Britain.
Although she wrote about love and marriage, she herself never married, not because she didn’t have the choice, in fact, Harris Bigg-Wither proposed to Jane in December 1802 while staying with some childhood friends, he was the younger brother of a friend and six years younger than Jane, she originally accepted the proposal, but the next morning she changed her mind a rejected it, it’s unclear why she said yes and then said no, some believe the proposal took her by surprise and she felt pressured into saying yes because of the moment and not wanting to break the young man’s heart, or maybe she wanted to marry but was worried about what it would do to her writing career.
There Is Not The Hundredth Part Of The Wine Consumed In This Kingdon That There Ought To Be. Our Foggy Climate Wants Help – Jane Austen
All of these writers have had at least one of their novels made into a movie, Treasure Island (multiple times), Oliver Twist, Pride and Prejudice and not too long ago Emma.
Oliver Walkey
WSET 2 Journalist focused on sharing Champagne and Sparkling Wine reviews and cocktails to the world.