Tips To Spice Up Your Book Club with a Glass of Fizz
8th December 2021

A book club is a terrific opportunity to meet other readers and learn about new writers, whether you’re a die-hard bibliophile or a casual bookworm.
However, the traditional “everyone reads the same book” approach can quickly become mundane and stale.
Why not try out some of these quirky ideas to spice up your book club and have a little more fun during the meetings?
1) Create a “Books & Wine” Group
This is one of the most popular ways to spice up those book club meetings. Trying this tip would allow your readers to explore both the books and the wine together! Reading and talking about books while enjoying a glass of fizz makes for a relaxing time.
Each book club has a different variety of wines that you feel would suit the book’s theme and the club meeting! Subscriptions such as Firstleaf Wine Club Review can send out bottles to each member, and you can even choose books based on the wine.
If any of the readers are sommeliers, this is a perfect opportunity to learn more about wine and then branch off into discussions about how the pick of the month’s flavors match the themes of the book. This will allow those other members who aren’t as wine savvy to learn more about wine. This can also spark different discussions among the members, allowing readers to voice out their choices and opinions in a diverse environment where they feel comfortable.
We think this activity works best with wine. However, you can do this with other beverages such as beers, tea, coffee — whatever your group would enjoy the most.
2) Add a Snack
This is a delectable way to spice up your meetings. And if you’re adding wine, you definitely want to pair your glasses with a snack. Take this tip a step further and bring a snack or have inspired by the book you’re reading. Some examples are Mrs. Dalloway’s almonds, Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland’s cakes and tea, and so on.
3) Pick Books Based on Prompts
Keeping the book club focused on a genre (historical fiction, chick lit) or a topic (politics, religion, environment) is a good way to bring together people with similar interests and offer them interesting reading material. Why not make the focus more interesting by adding a new element to the usual book picking?
Select a wine for the month and ask the members to pick a book that they think would match the mood of the wine. This will be an interesting way to find out why a particular book was selected. Did they pick the book based on the storyline or the character’s personality? This will allow each member to learn more about each other based on their creative choices and encourage connections. Doing this is a good way to ensure your members feel included.
4) Follow Along With a Celebrity Book Club
Maybe you and your members are too busy to decide on books to read for the month, or you can’t agree on the upcoming month’s pick. That’s no problem! You and your club can follow along with the books the celebrities are reading.
There are so many famous ones that tackle today’s bestsellers, like:
• Reese Witherspoon
• Oprah
• Emma Watson
We don’t have to keep hosting book clubs in the same manner just because they’ve been there for a long time. Don’t be scared to experiment with new concepts to see what works best for your group.
We guarantee that bringing wine and snacks will make your meetings much more relaxing and serve as a great conversation starter if your group has trouble beginning the discussion. Now go ahead and start planning!
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