Speedy Supper with ‘Anytime’ Sparkling Wine
23rd September 2021

Have you ever had one of those days where whatever was planned didn’t work out, but led to what you probably should have been up to anyway? I’d forfeited a day to the coast for an online training session, but a rare occurrence of not being able to get into it. Simultaneously, a family member wasn’t feeling well so standby care duties came into play.
When an unplanned day lends itself to catching up on your favourite TV series, a film worth seeing again with the company you’re in, some conversations that need to be had and essentially a dash of ‘home work,’ what do you cook?
Tuna pasta salad
This is another firm favourite that appeared pretty much weekly growing up, but these days I have it very rarely. I also associate it with certain wider family members who really appreciate it whenever I prepare it for them. The best thing? It’s something that can be made almost everywhere as the core ingredients are store cupboard staples and any variations depend on individual tastes, what’s in the fridge and the season. Some September sun meant that I could throw in some homegrown tomatoes, japanese cucumber and garnish with basil from the garden. All of which added a distinct fresher taste to this firm favourite.
Pairing: Fox and Fox Mosaic 2015 Brut
This ‘anytime’ fizz happened to have already been chilling in the fridge. With that in mind, it wouldn’t have mattered too much if the pairing hadn’t have worked. All said and done this ‘anytime’ wine makes for a sublime pair with this ‘anywhere’ dish!
Author: Rupa Datta – [email protected]
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