Famous Leaders Wine Quotes
24th February 2021

Sparkling Wine is something that has no barriers, it can heal friendships, create new ones, it brings people together even though you might be able to understand each other, just like a melody or art, wine is something anyone can understand.
A lot of people have made some unique and interesting quotes throughout history about wine, here are some made by some names you might just recognize.
Winston Churchill

Image Credit: https://pixabay.com/vectors/britain-churchill-famous-people-1299836/
The UK Prime Minister who served the British people during the Darkest Hour, his full name is Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill with a lot of honors after his name including KG, OM, CH, TD, DL, FRS & RA, he was an army officer, a British statesman and a writer, a cigar smoker and a Champagne drinker, most famously Pol Roger, with them producing a bottle in honor of Winston, Pol Roger Cuvee Sir Winston Churchill, Winston Churchill’s favorite champagne was Pol Roger starting from the 1920s.
Sir Winston Churchill served twice as the UK Prime Minister, once from 1940 to 1945 and the second time from 1951 to 1955.
“I Could Not Live Without Champagne. In Victory I Deserve It. In Defeat I Need It.” – Winston Churchill
“Remember, Gentlemen, It’s Not Just France We Are Fighting For… It’s Champagne.” – Winston Churchill
“I Have Taken More Out Of Alcohol Than Alcohol Has Taken Out Of Me.” – Winston Churchill
Napoleon Bonaparte

Image Credit: https://pixabay.com/vectors/officers-army-napoleon-soldiers-5594726/
Napoléon Bonaparte, the Emperor of the French from 1804 till 1814 and then again in 1815, started out as a soldier in the French Military and rose through the ranks to General and then became a political leader during the French Revolution.
French Revolution – 5th of May 1789 – 9th of November 1799.
“Nothing Makes The Future Look So Rosy As To Contemplate It Through A Glass Of Chambertin.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd President of the United States from 1801 to 1809, he was also a statesman, lawyer, architect, philosopher, diplomat and he served as the 2nd ever Vice President to the 2nd American President John Adams who he himself served as the 1st ever Vice President to George Washington.
Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and during the American Revolution, Jefferson represented Virginia in the Continental Congress.
“Good Wine Is A Necessity Of Life For Me.” – Thomas Jefferson
“I Have Lived Temperately… I Double The Doctor’s Recommendation Of A Glass And A Half Of Wine Each Day And Even Treble It With A Friend.” – Thomas Jefferson
In this article, we’ve had a Prime Minister, an Emperor and a President, from England, France and the United States, all these men accomplished a lot in their lives and they did it with a glass of Wine or Champagne by their side.
Oliver Walkey
WSET 2 Journalist focused on sharing Champagne and Sparkling Wine reviews and cocktails to the world.