Is Champagne Good for Muscle Building?
4th March 2021

Following a long day at work, you headed for the gym, trained as vigorously as humanly possible, and then joined your friends at the bar-a reward for a hard-working week. We have all done it numerous times.
The night is exciting; everyone is laughing, dancing, drinking; the usual fun. Who could it hurt to have a drink or two? Then it hits you. As you sip slowly at yet another glass of your favorite beverage, you can’t help but be reminded of your fitness trainer.
Well, to be more precise: you remember him specifically stressing the point that alcohol will inhibit any muscle built-up you have achieved. But wait! Before cold sweat runs down your spine or you run out of the bar, there are some important facts you need to keep in mind.
What Experts Say About Alcohol Following Hard Training
Research has shown that a moderate amount of alcohol intake, i.e., 2 glasses of any alcoholic beverage, will neither destroy muscle cells nor affect your muscle strength.
Actually, based on a study conducted by the University of Miami, alcohol drinkers exercise more frequently than those who do not consume alcohol. However, an association between alcohol consumption and reversal of muscle synthesis was discovered.
Specifically, heavy drinking readily suppresses the protein synthesis needed for muscle growth. This is because while consuming alcohol, your body becomes so busy trying to process it that it forgets about breaking down the fat.
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Everything in Moderation
Moreover, alcohol is a diuretic; it means you have to run to the bathroom many times as your body gets rid of it. While this might help you with the buzz, it will lead to dehydration.
It is a well-known fact that muscles grow best when the body is hydrated; the main reason why we drink so much water during a workout. This is the exact point where protein is created: in cells that are filled with water.
To make matters worse, dehydration due to alcohol consumption could readily lead to protein break-down at a faster rate. While this is worrisome news, one can easily alleviate such dramatic results by simply consuming less alcohol, perhaps a glass or two.
Thinking of running? Find out how you can get the best out of it here.
A Glass of Champagne
Is it all bad news? Should I kiss my Champagne days goodbye? Perhaps not. Nutrient analysis of Champagne shows a non-fat, non-cholesterol drink containing 2% of Iron and Potassium, 1% of Calcium, and 3% of protein, per glass.
While this may not sound beneficial towards muscle build-up, one must only consider the average amount of champagne consumption compared to other alcoholic beverages. The entire philosophy behind it is simply sipping at the drink at an extremely slow pace, perhaps not even getting to bottoms-up.
Typical consumption is usually limited to drinking less than two glasses of Champagne at a time while enjoying the benefits of social drinking. The habit of Champagne-sipping offers an extra benefit to lovers of this irresistible, posh drink, a balance between drinking and their workout. This, in turn, is excellent news for the social butterflies.
Perhaps, this special-occasion splurge is a more desirable habit to take on when it comes to achieving the best outcome from your training. Want to make your workout experience more efficient? Check out this piece of equipment.
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