Tips for Visiting Wine Country This Summer
1st April 2019

Enjoy the summertime with an incredible trip through the California wine country. Set near the coastline, just north of San Francisco, the Napa Valley is known for its world-class wines including sparkling wines. The Napa Valley is a very popular California tourist location, second only to Disneyland in the number of annual visitors. To get the complete experience, here are some tips for visiting wine country this summer.
1. Driving through wine country.
Due to the number of tourists, it is important to pay attention to the roadways in order to avoid a car accident in wine country. Aside from its popularity, the Napa Valley is still a small rural area with country roads set in the coastal foothills of Napa and Sonoma Counties. This makes it a challenging area to drive for those unfamiliar with such terrain, further increasing the chances of an accident. If injured in a car crash in wine country, make sure to seek legal help immediately. Like the Schwartzapfel lawyers based in New York City, your attorney should be experienced in auto accident injury claims cases.
2. Know the roads.
Set within dozens of small towns along Highways 12 and 101, the wine country features approximately 400 local wineries within a 50-mile area. Growing from about 25 local wineries in 1975, the local economy boomed with the popularity of the vintages being produced. Local farmers with small vineyards began to see the money that could be made from their farms and soon joined in to become part of the local economy. When traveling through the area, it will help you avoid a car accident in wine country by learning the roads and the directions to where you’re going. Being mindful of the number of vehicles on the roadways, and being patient will help you to stay safe and have a more enjoyable wine country experience.
3. Plan your trip.
By planning your wine tasting trip before you go, you can have a much more enjoyable time and experience more during your getaway. Conside limits that you might face, including the fact that you probably won’t be able to see all the different wineries in a limited amount of time. If you are only visiting for the day, or for the weekend, choose a few of the local wineries that you might want to see the most, or make plans to visit again at a later date.
4. Consider wine country tours.
There are a number of local wine country tours that are available to provide a more complete getaway experience. You can choose the tour that fits your needs best, such as whether you would like to travel in a private bus with other visitors or have a more private tour by being chauffeured in a limousine through the area. Wine country tours often include local guides who can tell you more about the area, and even wine tastings at many of the well-known wineries, along with first-class meals prepared by world-class chefs. Taking a wine country tour can allow you to enjoy your trip more, without the issue of worrying about traffic or driving after having had a few drinks.
5. Consider staying at a local hotel.
Due to the number of tourists that travel through wine country, many of the local wineries have included local bed and breakfasts or hotels on their properties. There are also a number of hotels close to the local wineries to accommodate guests who want to visit for an extended time. Lodging can be found ranging from privately owned intimate bed and breakfasts to larger hospitality venues with well-known names. By staying at a local hotel or establishment, you have more time to enjoy the local area and avoid major delays by traffic traveling through the area.
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