8th April 2014

Biancavigna is very much a family affair and was established in 2004, with Elena Moschetta at the helm and her brother Enrico making the wine.
Biancavigna is situated in the heart of the Prosecco area. Veneto’s climate is governed by the mountains to the north and the sea to the east.
They manage 12 ha of vineyards located in 3 different areas: Conegliano, San Pietro di Feletto and Soligo, some of which have been tended by several generations of their family.
The quality of the wines reflects the absolute dedication and commitment of all at Biancavinga to the production of wines of such calibre.
With a family history speckled with wine production, they are no strangers to understanding the dedication and commitment necessary in producing wines of such calibre.
Share by Lucy Marcuson
Glass of Bubbly
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