How do you take your Champagne: The Do’s and Don’ts of Drinking Champagne
9th July 2019

Did you know that there were 26,762,068 bottles of Champagne exported to the UK and 23,714,793 bottles exported to the US in 2018?
Champagne and sparkling wine have become known as a sophisticated type of beverage that people often consume when they are celebrating. Many people choose to drink Champagne all over the world, however, there are certain things that you might be doing that are wrong.
Keep reading to discover the do’s and don’ts of how to drink Champagne and impress your friends and family with some of these secrets.
Do’s of drinking Champagne
Do serve your Champagne in a wine glass. Flutes are common for people who serve Champagne, however, experts have found that flutes don’t allow the wine to open up properly. Flutes are great for showing off the bubbles in the glass, however, they don’t provide the greatest taste.
Do twist the bottle when you are opening the Champagne. Make sure you open the bottle gently, try to ensure there is as little sound as possible. The best way to open a Champagne bottle is by holding the top of the cage to keep the cork in place and open the wire, then you need to twist the base of the bottle in a circular motion away from the cork.
Do hold the stem of the glass. When you are drinking make sure you hold the stem of the glass, instead of the bowl of the glass, otherwise, you will warm up the Champagne too fast and it won’t taste as good.
Do limit how long you leave your Champagne in the fridge. Champagne can be stored standing up to a few weeks, however, if it is being stored for longer, then it should be kept on its side to avoid the cork from drying out. If you are storing your Champagne for longer, do make sure you store it in a cool place and keep it away from direct light.
Don’ts of drinking Champagne
Don’t chill your glasses in the fridge. To avoid diluted Champagne, make sure you don’t chill your glasses in the fridge. Chilling glasses in the fridge can add up to 0.5% water to your drink.
Do not freeze your Champagne to make it cold. Some people think that they can quickly cool Champagne by putting it in the freezer, however, this is a big mistake. If the Champagne gets too cold it can reduce the bubbles and can affect the overall taste of the wine. The best way to serve it chilled is by leaving it in the fridge for a few hours before use and then once it is opened, make sure you keep it stored in a bucket filled with ice and water.
Charlie Bailey from advice, that if you are hosting a dinner party and completely forgot to cool the Champagne, then you can keep the bottle in a bucket with ice and water for at least half an hour before your guests arrive and this might provide enough time for you to cool the Champagne well enough.
Don’t fill a glass all at once. Instead of filling a glass all at once, make sure you slowly fill the glass, allowing the foam to settle. Once the foam has gone down, continue pouring. Don’t fill the glass to the top, do fill it up to the amount you would with wine.
Put the theory into practice and spice up your summer with these easy to make Champagne cocktails.
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