J&O Piquepoul – Try the new sparkling experience…
29th October 2014

The sparkling wines world is quite large and led by big sellers –Champagne, Prosecco, cava-. But in this amazing world, symbol of enjoyment, celebrations and gatherings, is there still place for new experience?
Jeanjean and its 31-year old partner, l’Ormarine winery, has developed a sparkling wine made out of the Piquepoul grape variety. Piquepoul is a very unique grape, grown in the South of France, around the amazing region of “Etang de Thau “ (Thau lagoon).
The story of this grape variety is quite unusual, and legend has it that the grapes were very well appreciated by the hens (poules), which loved eating them (hens pick their food with their beak, hence the name “pique-poule”). At the beginning of the 1950s, only a couple of hundreds of hectares of picpoul were surviving, in spite of being a native grape variety. More productive grapes had been planted instead.
But thanks to the admirable job of a couple of growers, independent or working in the 2 caves cooperatives of the region, and thanks to the partnership of Jeanjean with one of them, l’Ormarine, the interest for this unique grape and wine has risen again, and nowadays, around 1500 ha are planted with the grape.
J&O Piquepoul is as a new alternative to fresh and crispy sparkling wines.
Glass of Bubbly
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