How to Choose Wine Storage
2nd May 2014

Wine storage seems to be the must-have feature for the home right now, whether in the form of racking, wine cabinets or more permanent options like cellars and wine rooms. But aside from being the latest trend for the home, wine storage plays a vital role in keeping wine at its best. Here, Spiral Cellars provides some guidance on what to consider when choosing wine storage.
Conditions are key!
Bear in mind that whatever storage you choose, the most important thing is the conditions that it provides. Temperatures of between around 13-18°C, relative humidity at around 70%, protection from UV light and limited vibrations are perfect for ageing wine and keeping it vibrant and fresh. Racking can’t guarantee these conditions but wine cabinets are designed to do so. Cellars, including Spiral Cellars, create these conditions naturally and consistently.
How much wine do you drink?
You may like the look of the latest wine cabinet, but does it actually suit your needs in terms of how much wine you collect and drink? Take your weekly consumption and multiply this by 50 (allowing for two weeks annual leave), add on how many fine wines you might buy to drink in the long term and multiply the total by five. This figure is the capacity of wine storage you’re going to need.*
Wine cabinets can store a few hundred bottles, but if the total is more than 500 you will need to consider permanent storage like a Spiral Cellar, which can store up to 2,000 bottles.
How much space do you have?
Do you have a spot in a north-facing dark room, away from central heating, to add racking? Is there space in your living area or garage for a wine cabinet, which could be the size of a large refrigerator? Are you one of the lucky few with a traditional cellar that just needs a tidy up? Space is of a premium; if these options aren’t possible you might want to consider the space-saving Spiral Cellar, which uses the untapped earth beneath your home.
What’s your style?
We’re all more house proud than we were 10 years ago, and the style of our homes is important in reflecting ourselves. In choosing your wine storage, consider whether it will look good on show, or whether it would be better as a behind-the-scenes operation. Do you want a unique feature like a Spiral Cellar or gallery-style wine room, or are you happy to slot in a wine cabinet within your kitchen or dining room?
What kind of collector are you?
If you know what types of wine you like and tend to stick to them, you might find that larger wine storage isn’t necessary. However, if the idea of collecting new varieties, trailing new regions or even ageing fine wines yourself appeals then you should think about storage with a larger capacity – it will allow for experimental wines as well as your everyday drinking. A Spiral Cellar features up to 66 compartments, ideal for stashing a different case of wine in every one – now there’s a challenge!
Spiral Cellars is the established expert in wine storage for the home, specialising in unique premium wine cellars and bespoke wine rooms. With more than 30 years under our belts, we know a thing or two about providing our clients with the right storage for their needs and tastes, and have a growing portfolio of cellar options for homeowners with a taste for collecting.
* Thanks to Hugh Johnson for that nifty calculation
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