Elgar Wine
23rd May 2014

Six varieties of vine are currently in production – Schonburger, Huxelrebe, Seyval Blanc, Orion, Phoenix and Rondo. Our main vineyard is Lovells Vineyard which is on a five acre site in Welland which was planted in 2009. Our two small vineyards of 0.5 acre and 1 acre in Tiltridge Vineyard, planted over twenty years ago, are grown on the double guyot system where the vines are pruned back to two replacement canes each winter. On average, we produce about 5,000 bottles each year, but there are large annual variations as the harvest is very dependent on the weather conditions which each season brings. Once all our vines are in full production we will be making over 15,000 bottles of wine a year.
We market our wines using the name of Edward Elgar and his music as we wanted a label which would identify us with Worcestershire. Elgar was born at Lower Broadheath just outside Worcester, and spent much of his life in and around this area. Many of the images we use on the labels were researched and provided by the Elgar Birthplace Museum to whom we are indebted for their help and co-operation.
Glass of Bubbly
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