You Know You Love Prosecco When…
27th July 2016

1. You’ve always got a personal bottle handy when you head to a party.
2. You’d pick a bubbly afternoon tea over actual-tea-afternoon tea any day.
3. When Friday rolls around you feel excited all day for your post-work Prosecco.
4. Celebrating? Break out the Prosecco.
5. Commiserating? Break out the Prosecco.
4. Weekends just don’t feel the same without a glass of bubbly.
5. Bottomless Prosecco Brunches have made brunch the best meal of the day.
6. You keep finding stray corks around the house.
7. When it’s your friends birthday, you always trust in a good bottle of Prosecco.
8. And when it’s your birthday, you receive a load of Prosecco in return. No complaints!
9. Prosecco pairs well with any meal.
10. A Prosecco cocktail is either the greatest creation ever or a waste of good wine.
11. When you go into the shop you automatically head to the wine aisle and check the offers on Prosecco.
12. You consider leaving the restaurant if there isn’t a Prosecco on the wine list.
13. Your kitchen cupboard is full of every variety of wine glass you can think of.
14. You start to prefer Prosecco over Champagne and other wines.
15. When buying you a drink at the bar, your friend doesn’t even have to ask!
Of course, too much alcohol is never a good thing, so enjoy in moderation! If you’re a Prosecco-lover, like much of the UK, find out more about recent news, brunches, bottles and events here.
More: Facts about Prosecco
Glass of Bubbly
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