5 Great Value Bubblies for A Level Result Celebrations
18th August 2016

On Thursday 18th August, students up and down the country will be finding out how they did in their A Level exams. For some, their results will be their passport to university, be it one they set their sights on months or even years ago, or one they’re entering through Clearing. For others, their results will signify the conclusion of their education, as they head into employment or vocational training.
Either way, bubbles are a great way to celebrate exam success, the ending of one life phase and the beginning of another and to mark the divergence of paths between friends who are heading to different universities or jobs. As a university student or young person on an under-25 wage, you’ll probably spend the next few years delicately balancing your budget, so having well-rated, cheap bubbles for your A Level celebrations will not only make the party special, but prepare you for your imminent future.
Lidl Arestel Cava Brut may seem suspiciously cheap at just £4.79 a bottle, but it comes well-recommended, having won awards. This Cava is clean, fresh and fruity.
Aldi Belletti Prosecco Spumante DOC is also incredibly cheap, at £5.29 a bottle. Dry, citrusy and flowery, this Prosecco is considerably well-reviewed by customers.
Waitrose Bright & Fruity Sparkling Wine is just £6.49 is dry, soft and creamy whilst also being light and fresh.
Aldi Prosecco Superiore is £7.49 – still pretty cheap for a bubbly, but may be more of an option if your parents are contributing to your party fund in recognition of your amazing exam results. This Prosecco has a sweet, fruity flavour, which might appeal to those among you whose usual drinks of choice are sugary alcopops.
Waitrose San Leo Brut NV is £7.79 – you might want to pick up in bulk if your parents are feeling generous. Easy to drink, which is what you want if you’re not yet a wine aficionado (and be honest, at 18, who is?). It’s off-dry, creamy, flowery and peachy.
We raise a toast to your success and future!
Glass of Bubbly
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