Where in the World is Champagne Champagne!?
3rd March 2016

Following up from a recent article I wrote about the usage of the word Champagne, I thought I would answer a few people’s questions regarding the locations internationally that abide by Champagne Bureau’s requirements for protection of the name, especially within the wine sector.
I contacted the team at UK Champagne Bureau regarding which countries in-fact have made an agreement to protect the name of Champagne, they shared with me the details below. Having attended a trip with the Champagne Bureau to the Champagne region and listening to their team in France at their offices in Epernay, I know they are working hard to get more countries to recognise the word Champagne and the protection surrounding it:
Image copyright belongs to Champagne Bureau – To view the page on their official website with a detailed and interactive map please click here.
From the map we see that a strong progress internationally has already been made, especially within recent years, Canada, Europe, many parts of Africa, Australia, New Zealand, China and more the name Champagne is fully protected. Major countries not (yet) on board include USA, Russia and Argentina.
Great news for those producing sparkling wine from this region, not so good news for those looking to use the name Champagne from outside the region, of course not just in wines, but any products / services.
I’m just wondering what would happen if I changed my name to Christopher Champagne? What about if I went for a tattoo on my arm with the word ‘Champagne‘… Think I’ll send Champagne Bureau a quick email now…
Christopher Walkey
Co-founder of Glass of Bubbly. Journalist and author focused on Champagne & Sparkling Wines and pairing them with foods.