What Champagne is and Why It’s Difficult to Separate from our Dining Table
27th October 2017

Vacation is hard to separate from “popping” cork! Bottles of wine and Champagne are always waiting to be opened at a festive party. No matter how popular these two drinks are, many people today are finding it difficult to distinguish the two drinks. Of course there’s always a simple answer like that Champagne is the first sparkling wine found in Champagne, a region in France. However this answer simply simplifies the problem without fully answering. Some people even assume that Champagne can only be made from Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, and Chardonnay. The wrong conclusion!
Yes! Champagne is a sparkling wine but …
Champagne is sparkling wine, but you must understand that not all sparkling wine can be classed as Champagne! This is the heart of the understanding of Champagne. Champagne bubbles are trapped (and intentionally trapped) bubbles as they take place. However the sparkling wine only requires a simple formula that is easy for everyone to understand. You do not have to be a fermenter to understand this process. In general, the process of making Champagne can be explained as follows:
Sugar + Yeast = Alcohol + CO2. Alcohol is of course the end product and CO2 is what bubbles out when the bottle of Champagne is opened.
How about Sparkling?
Air bubbles when the bottle is opened attract the interest of almost everyone in the world and this is used by many regions around the world. Cava, for example, is made in many versions with Spanish as the largest version provider. However many versions are available, little bubbles are still the most popular. Veneto, an area of Italy, is famous for its wines that have glittering little bubbles. Now you understand where the term “sparkling” comes from.
The emergence of sparkling wine as a trend has spurred many manufacturers outside Europe to market its products. They are now colonizing the European market and they are from the United States, Argentina, Australia, and even Tanzania.
Quality determinants
If you want to enjoy quality sparkling wine there are at least three important parameters to note:
– Fresh: Wine tastes fresh though not necessarily sweet
– Direct: The aroma of wine will “penetrate” into your oral cavity. Sour taste is preferred
– Sparkling: Small bubbles are preferred and are considered a hallmark of high-quality wines.
The rising popularity
In general, the popularity of sparkling wine continues to grow and now seems to be an integral part of dessert. Even for casual times that include the transition from snacks to fried foods, sparkling wine is hard to get rid of. This drink is perfect for a fruitful and sweet dish. Without bad credit to any other wines, sparkling are still growing in popularity.
I am a wine connoisseur and this is often my inspiration when I write my essay. However, wine is an essential part of human civilization and understanding wine is like understanding human civilization itself. Hopefully, this short article can enrich your insight. Good luck and drink your delicious sparkling wine!
Glass of Bubbly
Executive editor of news content for the website Please enjoy the articles that we share - We hope you find our love for Champagne & Sparkling Wines both interesting and educational.