How much Champagne can I drink per week?
1st November 2021

Firstly, I am very much with you if you say that the safe amount to drink per week is zero, there is nothing wrong with wishing to not indulge in alcohol which is linked to many health conditions especially when abused. Of course, we are a channel committed to promoting bubbles and we wish to do so within the recommended amounts so let’s see how much Champagne to drink per week that is considered the safe quantity.
Anyone who is asking such as question must have a very good lifestyle and a healthy weekly budget on drinks! It is rare that any of us will need to ask about weekly limits on Champagne, more than likely the weekly limits on alcohol as a whole will be what we research. Champagne is a drink that we indulge in now and then – special celebrations, events, parties and more come to mind.
If we take a look at the amount of Champagne bottles imported to the UK and the population, we can work out the very basic average bottles drunk per person – Approx 30 million bottles imported divided by 67 million the approximate UK population equals around 0.44 bottles per person. Now of course this is no good when we want to look at the actual amount of people drinking Champagne as we must take out ages 0-16 (three quarters of the UK population is 20 years and over), and also those who do not drink alcohol or those who do not like Champagne, those for religious reasons and medical ones too.
“In 2017, the majority of men (aged 16 years and over in Great Britain) who had drunk alcohol in the last week, but had not binged, had drunk normal strength beer, stout, lager or cider (56%); almost a third had drunk wine or champagne (31%), and just under a sixth had drunk spirits (16%). In contrast, the majority of women who had drunk alcohol in the last week, but had not binged, had drunk wine or champagne (60%).” source drinkaware

Champagne will usually be 12.5% (of alcohol) though you do get some stating 12 or 13%
It is stated by several respected health organisations that the safe amount of alcohol to consume per week is 14 units (one unit equals 10ml or 8g of pure alcohol). Some, usually those found more readily at supermarkets, bottles of wine will state how many units it contains or each serving contains which enables you to work out how many glasses you can enjoy. Otherwise mostly you will be presented with the alcohol level and the size of bottle which you then need to work on the unit value otherwise known as being the Alcohol By Volume (ABV).
How to work out the alcohol unit value in a bottle of standard bottle of wine: (ABV x ml) ÷ 1000 = units
Champagne will usually be 12.5% (of alcohol) though you do get some stating 12 or 13% so do check the bottle in your hand to make sure. The standard bottle size of Champagne is 750ml so with these two details we can work out the units that it contains: (12.5 x 750) ÷ 1000 = 9.375 units
One standard bottle of 12.5% Champagne contains 9.375 units of alcohol.
So, the good news is that you can enjoy just under one and a half bottles of Champagne per week to be within the health and safety guidelines – 1.493 bottles!
Christopher Walkey
Co-founder of Glass of Bubbly. Journalist and author focused on Champagne & Sparkling Wines and pairing them with foods.