The Perfect Christmas Sparkling Wine – Mulled Wine by Gloet?
18th December 2017

Many will be familiar with having a glass of mulled wine at Christmas, that steaming hot treat with usually a slice of orange or two in it. I bet many will have had one at a Christmas market or sat by an open fire, but what about something altogether different and a glass of sparkling mulled wine served at a chilled temperature?
The idea originated in Scandinavia and been growing in popularity with many glögg / glögi party being spiced up by serving a glass of the Findelli Glöet® Sweden (glögg is Swedish mulled wine / glögi Finnish).
Photo copyright GLÖET – Sparkling Mulled Wine
“It is a very different style of sparkling wine, but one that I like. They have appeared a couple of times at our tasting event and in deed also entered our World’s Finest Glass of Bubbly awards this year and our 36 judges also took to it by giving Glöet® a Highly Commended Medal in the category Love or Hate. It is certainly of mulled wine character which makes the fact you are drinking it chilled over hot very different for the mind to get used to, but it is crisp, refreshing and I have since always made sure I have a bottle at hand during festive time to share with friends… ” Christopher Walkey.
Christopher Walkey
Co-founder of Glass of Bubbly. Journalist and author focused on Champagne & Sparkling Wines and pairing them with foods.